With the increasing number of businesses going online every day, the competition is rising for brands that want to be recognized. As a result, much more effort should be put on coming up with a brand strategy that ensures a unique and secure image in the ever-expanding market. In this article we will discuss 4 principles of how brands can attract the attention of their target audience as well as keeping it for a long time.
We’ve heard this a million time, but it is easier said than done. These are a few steps in your brand strategy to help build an authentic image.
Take pride in what you do:
Don’t just sit around and worry about keeping up with your competitors! Instead, focus on your own strengths. Make them bold and acknowledged in the industry.
Find your outstanding points:
Just like any brand, yours has a voice and identity too. Find the most unique aspects of your brand identity and highlight them in your branding, visuals and marketing.
Don’t be afraid of experimenting:
Being authentic is all about having an open mind towards new ideas. Don’t hold back and explore the unknown to find something new to add to your brand that makes you stand out.
With the abundance of similar products in the market, companies have found a new way to gain the audience’s trust. The idea is targeting them through the people they look up to, instead of your marketing efforts.
Reports have shown that 82% of Gen Z and millennials trust influencers when selecting a product to buy. Why? It is quite simple. Social media is where these groups spend most of their time on every day. And that is where influencers can be found on every corner. The trust that these influencers build with their audience is what come in handy for the brands. This brand strategy is quite popular these days so make sure you don’t miss out.
The challenge is that, unlike a couple of years ago, influencer marketing is not an unexplored zone anymore. It takes much more time and creativity to effectively target the group you are looking for. Also, you need to learn your audience, their character and their needs before you dip your toes in this fascinating brand strategy.
Your brand’s image is your weapon in current competitive market. If you want to stay around and grow faster than the market you are placed in, you need to connect with the potential customers on a higher level than just producing high quality products. For this means, and emotional brand building is the key.
Balance out your long-term and short-term brand strategy. A strong emotional bond with your audience will ensure profitability in longer periods, whereas strong marketing will bring you customers faster.
An important note to keep in mind is that for building a powerful community, you need to relationships. Partner up with the right groups, gather enough resources and collect insights the market to gain the hearts of the crowd.
Being honest with your audience is not only about celebrating your success with pride. Make sure you are transparent about your failures and your efforts to fix them. Unfortunate events and mistakes happen in every company, and it is understandable. What you need to do is gather the courage to speak about it. Whether it is just your team, or the stakeholders, or even the customers, it is essential to transfer the information in an honest and speedy manner. This will help them look at the issue as not a failure, but an error you are trying to fix. Unfortunately, many companies take this brand strategy for granted and miss the chance to leave a good impression.
B2B companies can benefit from this point the most, as it should be on top of your priorities. B2B market is all about relationships and trust. So make sure you provide efficient customer support and let your clients know about this feature.
Today and tomorrow’s business is led by Gen Z and millennials. These two groups have the most strength in the market and are constantly reforming their consumer behavior and patterns. It is extremely important for companies to keep up with these shifts and changes to stay relevant. No matter what sector and size, you should look out for them to ensure you stay connected with your customers. If you fail at this, it might be easy to lose the market share to your competitors that adapted their brand strategy to the ever-shifting market better.
However, staying relevant takes a lot of effort that you need to get prepared for. Engaging in your community’s conversations, hearing about their opinions and needs, and acknowledging them, and sending your message through their trusted influencers are some great methods to consider. Although time and energy-consuming for your team, this is your ultimate chance at staying relatable.
About Influencer house
Influencer House is a leading influencer marketing agency in Bangkok, Thailand. We provide smart solutions for brands of all types and sizes to create the trendiest influencer marketing campaigns that ensure highest ROI. In order to get more information and get consulted for free, please contact us through our email at inquiries@influencerhouse.co.th or visit www.influencerhouse.co.th.